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    Typhidot Test

    Also known as  Typhoid Rapid | Salmonella Typhi (TYPHI DOT) | Typhidot IgG & IgM
    A Typhidot test is processed for Salmonella typhi. This test detects antibodies against Salmonella typhi.
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    Available everyday from 6:30 AM to 10 PM
    Sample(s) required
    Preparation required
    No Fasting Required
    in house labs

    In-house labs


    in house labs

    60 mins collection

    6 AM - 10 PM

    in house labs



    What is the Typhidot test? 

    A typhidot test is done to detect IgM and IgG antibodies againstSalmonella typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever. Typhoid mainlyspreads through contaminated food and water and manifests in the form offever, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and diarrhoea. This test showsresults within 1-3 days of infection. It identifies the IgM and IgGantibodies that indicate recent infections.

    What are the other names for the Typhidot test? 

    The other names are Typhoid test and S. Typhi antibody test.

    What are the test parameters included in the Typhidot test?

    There is only one parameter.


    What does a Typhidot test measure?

    The Typhidot test analyses IgG and IgM antibodies against Salmonellatyphi. These antibodies are produced against the outer membrane protein ofSalmonella typhi. This test usually shows the infection within 2-3 days.It detects IgM and IgG antibodies separately. The presence of IgMantibodies indicates a recent infection, while the presence of IgGantibodies indicates a previous or remote infection.


    This test is not a quantitative test; it is a qualitative test. It onlydetects the presence or absence of Salmonella typhi. A Widal test would berecommended in this case to check the specific titres of the antibodiesrequired.       


    What’s the normal range of Typhidot test? 

    Positive or Negative

    Who should get a Typhidot test? 

    A typhidot test is useful in detecting antibodies in the first week ofillness. It helps in the early diagnosis of the conditions, which enablesthe doctors to initiate prompt treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.This test is performed when the individual is present with the followingsymptoms:

    • Fever with pain in the body, particularly in the legs and head

    • Increased fever with sleepiness and weakness in the body

    • Bloating sensation with pain in the abdomen

    • Slow rise in the body temperature (step ladder pattern) for 4 to 5days.

    • A relatively slow pulse in comparison to the rising bodytemperature.

    • A small red boil or rash on the abdomen and back appears after oneweek of fever.

    Are there any preparations needed for the Typhidot test?

    No special preparation is required. Fasting is not required for thistest.

    What is the cost of aTyphidot test?

    What is the type of sample required? 

    This test requires a blood sample.

    Who processes the Typhidot test?

    A healthcare provider, who is also called a phlebotomist, usuallyperforms blood draws, including those for typhidot tests, but anyhealthcare provider trained in drawing blood can perform this task. Thesesamples are sent to a lab where a medical laboratory scientist preparesthe samples and performs the tests on analysers or manually.

    What should I expect during my Typhidot test?

    You may expect to experience the following during the blood test or ablood draw:

    • You have to sit comfortably on the chair, and the phlebotomist willcheck your arms for an easily accessible vein. It is the inner part ofthe arm on the other side of your elbow.

    • Once the phlebotomist has located a vein, they will disinfect thearea with an alcohol swab.

    • They will insert the needle into your vein to draw a blood sample.This can feel like a small pinch.

    • After they insert the needle, the required amount of blood will bedrawn into a test tube.

    • When they have drawn enough blood for the test, they’ll remove theneedle and hold a cotton ball or gauze on the site to stop anybleeding.

    • They will apply a band-aid over the pricked site, and the bloodcollection is finished.

    This process takes less than five minutes.


    What should I expect after my Typhidot test?

    Once the phlebotomist has collected the blood sample, it will be sent tothe laboratory for processing or testing. When the reports are ready, yourhealthcare provider will share the results with you.

    What are the risks of a Typhidot test?

    These blood tests are common, and they don’t carry any significant risks.You might have a slight pain like an ant bite when the needle getsinserted, and a small bruise can develop there.

    When can I expect my Typhidot test results?

    At Orange Health, peripheral smear test reports are available within 6hours.

    What do the results of a Typhidot test mean? 



    A typhidot test for immunochromatography detects IgG and IgM antibodiesagainst the Salmonella bacterial antigen of an outer membraneprotein. 

    The typhidot-M test is another variation of the typhidot test that helpsin the diagnosis of the acute phase of typhoid infection. 


    Normal result

     A negative result for Anti-Salmonella IgG and IgM antibodiesindicates no infection.


    Abnormal result

    • A positive result for IgM antibodies indicates acute infection.

    A positive result for IgG antibodies indicates a past infection or achronic infection.

    Since this test gives a positive result for IgG antibodies present in theblood due to the past infection, it cannot be differentiated between theinfection that occurred previously and a current infection or a chronicinfection.


    A typhidot M test is superior compared to a typhidot test as it detectsonly the IgM antibodies present in the blood during the acute phase of theillness. However, both tests are much more effective in the diagnosis oftyphoid at an early stage compared to a blood culture test.


    According to the studies, a typhidot can be used for the early detectionof typhoid, particularly in areas where typhoid is frequently seen.


    What are normal Typhidot test results?

    Positive or Negative


    The normal ranges can vary slightly among different laboratories. Some ofthe labs use different measurements or might do tests on the differentsamples. Speak to your healthcare provider about the meaning of yourspecific test results.


    What other tests might I have along with this test?

    Blood Culture, Widal Test


    How do I book a Typhidot test at home?

    Log on towww.orangehealth.inand submit your details. Our highly trained, professional, and vaccinatedeMedics will be at your doorstep within 60 minutes or at the time bookedby you.

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