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    VDRL Test

    Also known as  Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR Test) | Syphilis test | Syphilis Detection Test
    VDRL (syphilis) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. The syphilis infection is spread through contact with a syphilitic sore. It is also called a chancre. This usually happens during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Syphilis can also be spread from a parent to a foetus in pregnancy or to an infant during childbirth. If it is not treated appropriately, syphilis may cause severe damage to the internal organs.
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    Available everyday from 6:30 AM to 10 PM
    Sample(s) required
    Preparation required
    No Fasting Required
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    60 mins collection

    6 AM - 10 PM

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    What is a VDRL test? 

    The venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test is designed to diagnose whether you have syphilis or not, a sexually transmitted infection (STI). This syphilis is caused by the bacterium called Treponema pallidum. This bacterium infects by penetrating into the lining of the mouth or the genital area.

    This VDRL test does not look for the bacteria that causes syphilis.Instead, it identifies the antibodies your body makes in response to the antigens produced by the cells damaged by the bacteria.  Antibodies are a type of protein that is produced by your immune system to fight the invaders like bacteria or toxins. Testing for these antibodies will letyour doctor  know whether you have syphilis or not.

    Test name

    VDRL Test

    Test type


    Pre-test Information

    No special preparation is required.(Fasting is not required)

    Report Delivery

    Get reports within 6 hours


    As prescribed by your doctor


    ₹ 250

    Sample required

    Blood (Free home sample collection in 60 mins)


    You don’t need to have the symptoms of syphilis for this test to be accurate. This is because it checks for antibodies produced as a result of syphilis infection, the VDRL test can be used regardless of whether you currently have any symptoms.


    What are the other names for a VDRL test? 

    Other names are: Venereal Disease research laboratory test; Syphilis -VDRL, and Rapid Plasma Regain (RPR) test


    What are the test parameters included in a VDRL?

    There is only one parameter


    What does a VDRL test measure? 

    The VDRL test is a screening test for syphilis. It measures substances(proteins), called antibodies, which your body may produce if you havecome into contact with the bacteria that cause syphilis.


    The stages of syphilis are:

    Primary syphilis: The first stagethat happens two to 12 weeks after exposure to the bacteria. iItawqs’

    AQ[‘s during this stage, a smooth, red sore called a chancre develops onthe genitals or in the mouth. This goes away on its own within a few weeksor months. The chancre is small and usually painless, so you may not evenknow it’s there.

    Secondary syphilis: This is about one to six months after the chancre goes away, a rough, and bumpy syphilisrashes appear on the body, usually on your palms and soles (bottoms) of your feet. You may also get flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, sorethroat, and muscle aches. These symptoms may come and go for months or years.

    Latent syphilis: If the syphilisisn’t been treated during the first two stages, the infection moves into the latent stage. Although there are no outward signs or symptoms ofsyphilis during this stage, this infection can damage your heart, bones,nerves, and organs. This stage can last many years.

    Tertiary (late) syphilis: For many people, the symptoms don’t progress past the latent phase, either because the infection may cure itself or because of symptoms are too mild to notice. About a third of people progress too late in the syphilis phase, which causes a range of serious health problems. 

     These problems occur slowly and include:

    • Brain damage, dementia, and mental health problems.

    • Heart disease.

    • Movement disorders and muscle problems.

    • Nerve damage.

    • Seizures.

    • Tumors are usually on the bones and skin.

    • Vision problems.


    Congenital syphilis occurs when a pregnant woman passes the infection toher baby.  This syphilis causes severe health problems in babies andchildren.  It could be fatal. There has been a rise in congenitalsyphilis in the country and all pregnant women should be screened for thesyphilis test.


    What’s the normal range? 

    Positive / Negative

    Who should get a VDRL test? 

    Anyone who is sexually active can get syphilis, but some people have anincreased risk of becoming infected. Your risk of getting syphilis ishigher if you:

    • You have had unprotected sex, especially if you have severalpartners.

    •  you are HIV positive.

    • You had sex with someone who has tested positive for syphilis.

    • Tested positive for any other STI, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, orherpes.

    A woman who is pregnant and has syphilis can pass on the infection to herbaby. Pregnant women should get tested for syphilis during the pregnancy.This infection can cause death or severe health-related problems in babiesand children.


    Preparations needed for the VDRL test 

    There is no preparation for this test. Fasting is not required for thistest


    What is the cost of a VDRL


    What is the type of sample required?

    This test requires a blood sample.

    Who performs a VDRL blood test?

    A healthcare provider called a phlebotomist usually performs blooddraws, including those for a VDRL blood test, but any healthcareprovider trained in drawing blood can perform this task. The samples aresent to a lab where a medical laboratory scientist prepares the samplesand performs the tests on analysers or manually it is done.


    What should I expect during my VDRL blood test?

    You can expect the experience the following during a blood test, orblood draw:

    • You will sit comfortably on the chair, and a healthcare providerwill check your arms for an easily accessible vein. This is theinner part of your arm on the other side of your elbow.

    • Once they have located a vein, they will clean and disinfect thearea with an alcohol swab.

    • Then they will insert a small needle into your vein to draw a bloodsample. This might feel like a small pinch.

    • After they have inserted the needle, the required amount of bloodwill collect in a test tube.

    • Once they have collected enough blood to test, they’ll remove theneedle and hold a cotton ball or gauze on the site to stop anybleeding.

    • They will place a band-aid over the pricked site, and the bloodcollection is finished.

    This process takes less than five minutes.


    What should I expect after my VDRL blood test?

    After a healthcare provider has collected the blood sample, they willsend it to a laboratory for testing. Once the test results are ready,your healthcare provider will share the results with you.


    What are the risks of a VDRL blood test?

    These blood tests are very common and don’t carry any significantrisks. You may have a  slight pain like an ant bite when the needlegets inserted, and a small bruise may develop there.


    When can I expect my VDRL results?

    These reports are available via email or WhatsApp within 6 hours of thecollection of the blood sample.


    What do the results of a VDRL mean?

    The normal RPR blood sample shows no antibodies, which are typicallyproduced during infection. However, the doctor can not completely ruleout syphilis if they see no antibodies.


    Once you have been infected, it takes some time for your immune systemto produce antibodies. Then, shortly after an infection, a test may notyet show any antibodies. This is called a "false negative."


    The false negatives tend to be more common in the initial and the endstages of infection. Amongst the people who are in the secondary(middle) stage of infection, the RPR test result is nearly alwayspositive.


    The RPR test can also produce false-positive results, that issuggesting you have syphilis when you actually don’t. One of the reasonsfor a false positive is the presence of another disease that producesantibodies similar to the ones produced during the syphilis infection. Afew conditions that may cause a false positive include thefollowing:

    • HIV

    • Lyme disease

    • Malaria

    • Lupus

    • certain types of pneumonia, especially those associated with acompromised immune system

    If the result is negative, then your doctor may ask you to wait a fewweeks and then return for another test if you’re at a higher risk forsyphilis. This is because of the VDRL (RPR) test’s potential for a falsenegative.

     It is due to the risk of false-positive results that your doctorwill confirm the presence of syphilis with a second test, one that isspecific for antibodies against the bacterium that causes syphilis,before starting your treatment. 


    What are normal VDRL results?

    If the test comes back negative for VDRL (syphilis antibodies), theresult suggests that you don’t have syphilis.

    If the test comes back positive for syphilis antibodies, you probably(but not definitely) have syphilis. If this occurs, your doctor willrecommend a more specific test to confirm the results. A treponemal test(TPHA) is often done to confirm the positive test. The Treponemal testscheck whether your immune system has produced specific antibodies indirect response to the syphilis-causing Treponema pallidum.


    Potential for false positives and negatives

    The VDRL test is not always accurate. For example, you might havefalse-negative results if you had syphilis for less than three months,as it could take this long for your body to produce antibodies. The testis also unreliable in later-stage syphilis.


    And on the other hand, the following can cause false-positiveresults:

    • HIV

    • Lyme disease

    • Malaria

    • Pneumonia (certain types only)

    • Systemic lupus erythematosus

    • IV drug use

    • Tuberculosis

    In some cases, your body might not produce the antibodies even if youhave been infected with syphilis. That means the VDRL test will beinaccurate.

    The antibodies produced as a result of syphilis infection can stay inyour body even after your syphilis has been treated. This means you mayalways have positive results on this test.


    What other tests might I have along with this test?

    TPHA (Treponema pallidum), HIV


    How to book a VDRL test at home?

    Log into and submit your details. Our highly trained, professional, and vaccinated eMedics will be at your doorstep within 60 minutes or at the time booked by you.

    Book VDRL test at home in Bangalore

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