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    Prolactin(PRL) Test

    Also known as  Serum Prolactin | PRL test | Hyperprolactinemia Test | Prolactin Assay
    Prolactin (PRL) is a hormone that is released by the pituitary gland. This test analyses the amount of prolactin in the blood.
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    Available everyday from 6:30 AM to 10 PM
    Sample(s) required
    Preparation required
    No Fasting Required
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    60 mins collection

    6 AM - 10 PM

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    What is the Prolactin (PRL) test? 

    Prolactin is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in thebrain and is involved in lactation. Though it is often present innon-pregnant males and females, prolactin’s main role is to produce milk.Hence, it is found in large amounts in pregnant females. The prolactinconcentration in the body is regulated by the chemical dopamine.

    What are the other names for the Prolactin (PRL) test? 

    The other names are the PRL test and serum prolactin test.

    What are the test parameters included in the Prolactin (PRL) test?

    There is only one parameter.


    What does a Prolactin (PRL) test measure?

    Prolactin (PRL) test analyses the amount of prolactin in the blood.Prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base ofthe brain. Usually, prolactin helps the breasts grow and produce milkduring pregnancy and after birth. Prolactin values are normally high forpregnant women and new mothers. Levels are low for non-pregnant women andfor men.


    If prolactin values are higher than normal, it often means there is atype of tumour of the pituitary gland known as a prolactinoma. This tumourmakes the gland produce a lot of prolactin. Excess prolactin may cause theproduction of breast milk in men and in women who are not pregnant orbreastfeeding. In women, a lot of prolactin may cause menstrual problemsand infertility ( the inability to get pregnant). In men, it may lead tolower sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED). Also called impotence, EDis the inability to get or maintain an erection.


    Prolactinomas are usually benign (noncancerous). But if left untreated,these tumours may damage surrounding tissues. 

    What’s the normal range of aProlactin test?

    Who should get a Prolactin (PRL) test? 

    Prolactin testing can be recommended:

    • A person has any signs and symptoms of a prolactinoma, such asunexplained headaches, visual impairment, and unexplained breastnipple discharge.

    • If the woman is experiencing infertility or irregular menstrualperiods

    • A man has symptoms such as decreased sex drive (libido), nippledischarge, infertility, or low testosterone levels.


    When a person has a prolactinoma, prolactin levels can be orderedperiodically to monitor tumour growth and its response to treatment. Theymight also be ordered at regular intervals to monitor for prolactinomarecurrence.

    Prolactin values might be ordered, along with other hormone levels suchas growth hormone, when a healthcare professional suspects that a personhas a pituitary disorder such as hypopituitarism.


    When a person has a condition or is taking medications that may affectdopamine production, prolactin concentration might sometimes bemonitored.

     What is the cost of Prolactin (PRL) test?

    Are there any preparations needed for the Prolactin (PRL) test?

    No special preparation is required. Fasting is not required for thistest.

    Who should get a Prolactin (PRL) test? 

    Prolactin testing can be recommended:

    • A person has any signs and symptoms of a prolactinoma, such asunexplained headaches, visual impairment, and unexplained breastnipple discharge.

    • If the woman is experiencing infertility or irregular menstrualperiods

    • A man has symptoms such as decreased sex drive (libido), nippledischarge, infertility, or low testosterone levels.


    When a person has a prolactinoma, prolactin levels can be orderedperiodically to monitor tumour growth and its response to treatment. Theymight also be ordered at regular intervals to monitor for prolactinomarecurrence.

    Prolactin values might be ordered, along with other hormone levels suchas growth hormone, when a healthcare professional suspects that a personhas a pituitary disorder such as hypopituitarism.


    When a person has a condition or is taking medications that may affectdopamine production, prolactin concentration might sometimes bemonitored.


    Are there any preparations needed for the Prolactin (PRL) test?

    No special preparation is required. Fasting is not required for thistest.

    What is the type of sample required? 

    This test requires a blood sample.

    Who processes the Prolactin (PRL) test?

    A healthcare provider, who is also called a phlebotomist, usuallyperforms blood draws, including those for prolactin tests, but anyhealthcare provider trained in drawing blood can perform this task. Thesesamples are sent to a lab where a medical laboratory scientist preparesthe samples and performs the tests on analysers or manually.

    What should I expect during my Prolactin (PRL) test?

    You might expect to experience the following during the blood test or ablood draw:

    • You sit comfortably on the chair, and the phlebotomist will checkyour arms for an easily accessible vein. It is the inner part of thearm on the other side of your elbow.

    • Once the phlebotomist has identified a vein, they will disinfect thearea with an alcohol swab.

    • They will insert the needle into your vein to draw a blood sample.This can feel like a small pinch.

    • After they insert the needle, the required amount of blood will bedrawn into a test tube.

    • When they draw enough blood for the test, they’ll remove the needleand hold a cotton ball or gauze on the site to stop anybleeding.

    • They apply a band-aid over the pricked site, and the blood collectionis finished.

    This process takes less than five minutes.

    What should I expect after my Prolactin (PRL) test?

    Once the phlebotomist has collected the blood sample, it will be sent tothe laboratory for processing or testing. Usually, when the reports areready, your healthcare provider will share the results with you.

    What are the risks of a Prolactin (PRL) test?

    Blood tests are common, and they don’t carry any significant risks. Youmay have a slight pain like an ant bite when the needle gets inserted, anda small bruise might develop there.

    When can I expect my Prolactin (PRL) test results?

    At Orange Health, prolactin test reports are available within 6hours.

    What do the results of a Prolactin (PRL) test mean? 


    Prolactin test results are reported in nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL).Usually, the test report will include information about the normal rangeused to interpret your prolactin results.


    Interpretation of prolactin test results may depend on various factors,including an individual's health status and whether they have doneprolactin tests previously. A healthcare practitioner should be consultedin order to understand prolactin test results in the appropriate medicalcontext.

    It is normal for people who are pregnant or nursing to have increasedlevels of prolactin. Rarely, patients are diagnosed with a prolactindeficiency, known as hypoprolactinemia, that causes an inability toproduce breast milk after birth.

    In people who are not pregnant, an elevated prolactin found on an initialtest might be a sign of hyperprolactinemia, which is the condition ofhaving excess prolactin in the blood. However, because prolactin valuesmay be affected by certain foods, a repeat test is usually recommendedafter a period of fasting to confirm the diagnosis.

    Hyperprolactinemia may be caused by a wide range of conditions, includingkidney failure, thyroid problems, and diseases that affect brain regionslike the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Usually, prolactin tests cannotdetermine the underlying cause of high prolactin levels, so follow-uptesting is usually necessary.

    Increased levels of prolactin may also be a sign of a prolactinoma, abenign tumour in the pituitary gland. Prolactinomas release high levels ofprolactin into the bloodstream. In general, larger tumours cause higherlevels of prolactin. An imaging test, such as an MRI scan, is needed forfurther diagnosis to confirm if a prolactinoma is present or not.

    If a prolactinoma is diagnosed, effective treatment usually bringsprolactin levels to normal. If post-treatment prolactin levels continue tobe increased and symptoms persist, doctors might change the treatmentplan. Periodic testing also occurs for many years after treatment is overto check for signs that the tumour has reappeared or not. 

    It is important to speak to your healthcare provider about the purpose ofyour prolactin test, how results compare to the laboratory normal range,and what those results mean in your specific situation.


    What are normal Prolactin (PRL) test results?

    The normal ranges can vary slightly among different laboratories. Some ofthe labs use different measurements or might do tests on the differentsamples. Speak to your healthcare provider about the meaning of yourspecific test results.


    What other tests might I have along with this test?

    Prolactin test, MRI scan


    How do I book a Prolactin (PRL) test at home?

    Log on to  and submit your details. Our highly trained, professional, and vaccinated, eMedics will be at your doorstep within 60 minutes or at the time booked by you.

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