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    PCOD (PCOS) Test

    In women, hormonal imbalance can cause the ovaries to produce multiple immature eggs that eventually develop into cysts. This condition is known as polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD.
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    Available everyday from 6:30 AM to 10 PM
    Sample(s) required
    Preparation required
    10-12 hours fasting required
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    60 mins collection

    6 AM - 10 PM

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    What is a PCOD test? 

    Hormonal imbalance is becoming increasingly common in current times. While the causes are many, the outcomes may not be the best, especially for women's health. In women, hormonal imbalance can cause the ovaries to produce multiple immature eggs that eventually develop into cysts. This condition is known as polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD.PCOD is a cascade of multiple symptoms. Therefore multiple diagnostic tests are done to confirm the condition. Methods like ultrasound and blood examinations are commonly recommended for PCOD.

    A PCOD test involves the following blood tests:

    • Tests for female hormones, including luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and oestrogen

    • Test for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to rule out thyroid diseases

    • Test for male sex hormones like testosterone

    • Test for human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone to rule out pregnancy

    • Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test to rule out insulin resistance


    What are the other names of the PCOD test?

    PCOD test is also known as PCOS test. PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is an alternative name for PCOD

    What are the parameters of the PCOD test?

    PCOD Blood tests evaluate the following:

    • LH - luteinizing hormone

    • FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone

    • Androgen levels: total testosterone and free testosterone

    • TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone

    • HCG test - Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone

    • Fasting plasma glucose

    Besides, some physicians may recommend an ultrasound test to evaluate the physical condition of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

    What does a PCOD test measure?  

    As mentioned before, PCOD is a cascade of various symptoms. The blood tests for PCOD measure the following:

    • LH test: this test measures the level of LH, which normalizes the menstrual cycle. LH is released from the 14th to the 21st day of the cycle. Abnormally high LH levels can indicate PCOD.

    • FSH test: the FSH and LH levels are usually equal in young fertile women. FSH stimulates the formation of ovarian follicles. Low FSH levels may indicate PCOD.

    • Androgen test: this test evaluates the level of testosterone in the female body. Oestrogen is the primary female hormone. Healthy females have trace amounts of testosterone in their bodies. A high testosterone level may indicate PCOD.

    • *TSH test: the TSH levels indicate thyroid function and are essential for evaluating thyroid-related disorders. This is done because PCOD is common in patients with thyroid disorders.

    • *FPG: this test measures the glucose level in the body after overnight fasting. A high glucose level is a sign of insulin resistance or the inability of the body to process glucose due to defects in insulin secretion. Susceptibility to diabetes, indicated by a high FPG level, can trigger PCOD.

    • HCG test: this test measures the HCG hormone levels, which increase when a woman is pregnant.

    *Thyroid disorders and insulin resistance have signs and symptoms that are similar to those of PCOD. Plus, thyroid disorders, insulin resistance, and PCOD are also considered to be interrelated. Therefore these tests are performed to diagnose these conditions before confirming the diagnosis of PCOD.

    What's the normal range of a PCOD test?

    These are the normal results for the tests conducted for PCOD:

    TestNormal Range
    LH & FSH test1:1 normal ratio of FSH:LH
    FREE TESTOSTERONE1.3-9.2 pg/mL
    HCG< 5 mIU/mL in females who are not pregnant.
    PROGESTERONE5-20 ng/mL

    Who should get a PCOD test done?

    PCOD displays multiple signs and symptoms. But some of these are very significant. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, please visit your doctor and get tested to confirm if you have PCOD.

    Women usually affected by PCOD have:

    • Irregular menstrual cycle or a complete absence of it

    • Excess growth of facial hair

    • Increased acne

    • Obesity: sudden gain of weight

    • Browning of the skin on the neck, groin, and underarms

    • On very rare occasions, changes in the anatomy of the vagina (enlargement of the clitoris)

    What are the preparations needed for PCOD tests?

    For a fasting blood glucose test:

    Do not consume food or drink anything at least 8 hours before the test. Generally, the test is done early in the morning after fasting overnight.

    For FSH test:

    This test is performed on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle.

    The other tests do not require any specific preparation.

    What is the cost/price for PCOD test?

    What is the sample required?

    A normal blood sample is required to perform all the blood tests for PCOD. Overnight fasting is generally required to test fasting plasma glucose. One single sample collected early morning should do the job for all the tests. Only for the FSH test, the required sample is collected on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle.

    Who performs a PCOD blood test?

    Usually, a phlebotomist collects the sample for blood tests. However, any trained healthcare provider can collect the sample. The blood sample is sent to the laboratory, where a technician prepares samples and performs tests using an analyzer. At Orange Health, we have trained technicians who can collect blood samples for tests from the comfort of your home.

    What should I expect during a PCOD blood test?

    You can expect the following during the blood collection process.

    • You’ll be seated in a chair. A phlebotomist/healthcare provider will check your arm for an easily accessible vein. This is usually present in your inner arm.

    • Once a vein is located, they will disinfect the area, possibly with alcohol.

    • A fine needle will be inserted to draw blood. You may feel a pinch.

    • A small volume of blood is collected in a collection device such as a test tube.

    • Once the blood is collected, the needle is removed. A piece of cotton is placed on the site to control bleeding.

    • A bandage will be placed on the site after the procedure is completed.

    The procedure takes around 5 mins.

    What should I expect after my PCOD test?

    After the test, the sample is sent to the laboratory. Once the results are ready, your healthcare provider will share your test results with you.

    What are the risks of a PCOD blood test?

    This blood test is a simple procedure and generally involves no risk whatsoever.

    When can I expect my PCOD test results?

    At Orange Health, the test results are delivered to your registered email and mobile number within a record time of 6 hours.

    What do the results of a PCOD test mean?

    For the blood tests, there are certain ranges for each parameter. If the levels of the parameter exceed or are below the normal range, it may indicate the potential for PCOD.
    The following are the normal test results:

    TestNormal Range
    LH & FSH test1:1 normal ratio of FSH:LH
    FREE TESTOSTERONE1.3-9.2 pg/mL
    HCG<5 mIU/mL in females who are not pregnant.
    PROGESTERONE5-20 ng/mL

    What are normal PCOD test results?

    When the results are within the abovementioned range, it indicates a normal PCOD test result. A visit to your physician is strictly recommended for the interpretation of test results.

    What other tests might I have along with this test?

    In some cases, your doctor may also prescribe a cholesterol test and a prolactin test. Each case of PCOD is unique. Therefore, the list of tests to be performed varies.

    How to book a PCOD test at home?

    With Orange Health, booking a test at home takes only a few simple steps. Follow these steps to book a test.

    1. Log onto the orange health website.

    2. Fill in the details in our easy-to-use order form. This simple information form takes less than 2 mins to fill out.

    3. Choose the day and time slot proffered by you and click on the book now button to confirm your appointment.

    4. A technician will reach you at the selected time and conduct the sample collection in the comfort of your home.

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