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    What is a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test?

    The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test is a blood test that quantifies the amount of CRP, which is produced by the liver in reaction to inflammation. High CRP levels suggest inflammation that could stem from various health issues. While the test does not identify the specific cause of the inflammation, it is a quick and straightforward procedure that offers essential information about your body's inflammation levels. Usually, doctors order the CRP test either on its own or as part of a comprehensive panel. Understanding your CRP levels can help your doctor monitor your condition and modify your treatment plan as needed.

    Hyderabad residents suffering from inflammatory conditions might find CRP tests particularly important. Since these tests indicate inflammation from specific health conditions, booking a CRP test in Hyderabad can provide valuable insights into overall health.

    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test Parameters

    Measuring the levels of CRP in your blood, the CRP test focuses only on one parameter. This test provides results in milligrams per litre (mg/L).

    Inflammation is a defence response of the body to heal infections, injuries, or diseases. It can be acute, such as from a sudden injury or cut, or chronic, due to factors like chronic infections or autoimmune disorders. A rise in the CRP levels indicate the presence of inflammation.

    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test Preparation

    To ensure accurate results from a CRP Blood test, consider the following:


    Fasting or other special preparations are not necessary for the CRP test. However, if you are having other tests along with the CRP test, check with your doctor for any specific instructions.

    Best Time to Get Tested

    The CRP test can be done at any time; there are no specific timing guidelines. Your doctor can provide better guidance if needed.

    Who Should Get a C-Reactive Protein Test

    Anyone can get a CRP test; there are no strict eligibility criteria.

    Cautions Before Doing the C-Reactive Protein Test

    No special precautions are required before undergoing the CRP test.

    Why Take a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test?

    Your doctor may recommend a CRP test to:

    • Identify inflammation in lung diseases such as asthma.

    • Pinpoint inflammation due to autoimmune conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

    • Diagnose inflammation from bacterial or viral infections, including osteomyelitis or sepsis.

    • Spot flare-ups or track recovery in rheumatoid arthritis.

    • During pregnancy, if premature rupture of membranes occurs, to assess for possible infection.

    • Monitor for inflammation or infection after a traumatic event.

    • Check for infection following surgery.

    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test Results & Interpretation

    It is important to interpret CRP Blood test results correctly, as they indicate the level of inflammation in the body. Below is what your findings could indicate:

    ParameterUnitBiological Reference
    CRPmg/L< 10

    Slightly elevated CRP levels could be due to recent injuries, smoking, or certain health issues. Moderate to high increases in CRP levels suggest chronic or serious health conditions. Regardless of your CRP results, follow up with your doctor for further evaluation and management.

    FAQs on C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test in Hyderabad

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