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    Top Regular Checkups And Tests You Shouldn’t Miss

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    Why are body checkups and tests important for us?

    Some individuals visit their physician yearly for an annual checkup to ensure everything is in order. Whether you should visit them frequently is a subject of discussion. It ultimately depends on your:

    • Age,
    • Risk factors for specific issues,
    • General health

    You'll be questioned by your doctor about your health and way of living. In addition to taking your weight and vital signs, they will likely check on your heart and lungs.

    Checkups you should not miss:

    Full Body Health Checkup

    It's important to have a comprehensive physical from a reputed lab such as Orange Health Labs, since it enables you to take the right precautions or spot dangerous illnesses early. To find out about their health and whether they have any abnormalities or disorders, everyone should get a full body exam at least once a year. Additionally, a full body health checkup may serve as a warning sign for unhealthy behavior's and serve as inspiration for adopting good ones.

    Allergy Test Checkup

    Are you suffering from skin rashes, constant sneezing, watery/red eyes, runny nose or an unusual reaction to some insect bite? You may have an allergy that you are not aware of. You should opt for an allergy test checkup. 

    Utilizing steroids, antihistamines, cortisone creams and some drugs like Cetirizine prior to an allergy test checkup can hamper the test result accuracy. To make sure your allergy test is precise and accurate, you must refrain from consuming these medications for almost 48 hours prior to your test. 

    STD Test Checkup

    Blood, swab or urine tests are used to diagnose STIs (sexually transmitted infections). Depending on your symptoms and the disease your doctor suspects, the test may be chosen. 

    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also referred to as STIs, are prevalent in certain groups

    It might be challenging to detect STIs because many of them have little or vague symptoms. Some people are deterred from getting tested by the stigma associated with STIs. STIs can result in cancer and infertility if they are not treated, among other serious health issues. The only way to know for sure if you have a STI or STD is to be tested with the help of a STD test checkup

    PCOD Test Checkup

    Multiple immature eggs can be produced by the ovaries in women who have hormonal imbalances, and these eggs eventually develop into cysts. The medical term for this ailment is polycystic ovarian disease, or PCOD. All of the PCOD test checkups require a normal blood sample. In most cases, testing fasting plasma glucose necessitates an overnight fast. For each test, a single early-morning sample should be sufficient. The necessary sample is only taken on the third day of the menstrual cycle for the FSH test.

    Blood tests you should not miss:

    HbA1c (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) Test

    While the body uses surplus glucose, or blood sugar, to power numerous vital bodily processes, haemoglobin becomes bonded to the excess glucose. A blood test called HbA1c from Orange Health Labs evaluates the amount of glucose that has been bound to haemoglobin for an average of three months. Red blood cells (RBCs) contain haemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body from the lungs. When you have type 2 diabetes, your blood sugar levels rise either because your cells stop reacting to insulin or because your body does not create enough insulin, a hormone that is needed to transport blood sugar from your bloodstream into your cells. It is logical to opt for a HbA1c test every three months because RBCs only have a three-month lifespan.

    Vitamin D (Vit D) Test

    The level of this vital compound in your blood is determined by the vitamin D test. It is usual practice to identify Vitamin D insufficiency or to keep track of treatment for an existing deficiency. The primary role of vitamin D is to facilitate the absorption of calcium during the development of bones. Your levels can be frequently checked using a home vitamin D blood test at Orange Health Labs, to help treat your deficits properly. Vitamin D testing could potentially be used to identify Vitamin D toxicity, a condition in which the body has too much Vitamin D.

    CRP (C- Reactive Protein) Test

    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a protein created by your liver that is measured by a CRP test. This examination aids in locating any inflammatory conditions or infections that might be present. When there is any inflammation, it is discharged into the bloodstream. If you've been hurt or have an infection, your body will use inflammation to protect your tissues.

    CBC (Complete Blood Count) Test

    A complete blood count test from Orange Health Labs evaluates many elements of your blood, such as:

    • The red blood cells that aid in carrying oxygen
    • Infection-fighting white blood cells
    • The red blood cell's haemoglobin, which transports oxygen,
    • Hematocrit (PCV) calculates the ratio of red blood cells to plasma, the liquid component of your blood.
    • Platelets, which aid in blood clotting

    If your CBC test results reveal an abnormal cell count, this may mean you have a health issue that necessitates further testing.

    RBS (Random Blood Sugar) Test

    This is a test for prediabetes or diabetes. It is a quick test that determines the amount of sugar (also known as glucose) in your blood.

    Once you are 45, you should begin routine testing. Your physician could advise you to take a RBS test done sooner if you:

    • Have a weight problem
    • Have high blood pressure or high cholesterol
    • Have experienced pregnancy diabetes

    Beta Hcg Test for Pregnancy

    If you are planning a family or if you think you are pregnant, you should opt for a Beta hCG test for pregnancy. It aids in calculating the fetus's age roughly. Both a miscarriage and a Down's syndrome screening can be done using it. 

    Evaluation of non-cancerous illnesses such as ulcers, cirrhosis, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as tumours like lung, ovarian, breast, or uterine cancers are other secondary uses for beta hcg tests. 

    Platelet Count (PLT Count) Test

    A Platelet Count test counts the number of platelets in your blood. To prevent bleeding, the body generates a mass of blood called a blood clot. Your blood's capacity to clot and your body's capacity to produce the cells that become platelets are both strongly influenced by the quantity of platelets present. Disease or drug therapy may have an impact on these functions.

    Calcium (Serum) Test

    Calcium is a mineral that the body needs for several essential processes, including blood clotting, muscle contraction, and sustaining bone and muscle mass. The calcium (serum) test measures the blood's calcium levels. It is used to look for conditions like pancreatitis (pancreatic inflammation), thyroid or parathyroid issues, heart, renal, neurological, and bone and tooth conditions that might cause abnormal calcium levels in the blood.

    HB( Haemoglobin) Test

    Using a haemoglobin test, you may determine how much protein is present in your red blood cells' haemoglobin.Red blood cells (RBCs) contain a protein called haemoglobin (Hb), which exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide as it travels from the lungs to the body's tissues. It also has a significant impact on the movement of CO2 from the organs and tissues back to the lungs, where it is frequently expelled.

    HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Test

    You should get a HIV1 and HIV2 antibodies test if you have had unsafe sex and have some symptoms that point towards HIV. Antibodies like these suggest HIV infection. As it cannot identify an HIV infection immediately after exposure, this test cannot be used as a screening tool. After 3 to 12 weeks of exposure, the antibodies are detected. The virus and the antigen in the blood rise during the first few weeks of infection. Since both the antigen and antibody levels in the blood decrease over time, this test should be carried out as soon as possible. 

    A complete physical examination enables medical professionals to spot warning signs and symptoms that people ordinarily miss in order to identify serious, life-threatening conditions or reduce the likelihood that such conditions will arise before they worsen.

    Lastly, one should choose a lab test package based on the tests contained in it rather than simply looking for the lowest price for a full body checkup when making a booking. Book your lab appointment at Orange Health Labs over a phone call today. 

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