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    Full Body Checkup and Women’s Health: Special Considerations

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    As women age, they experience a host of changes in their bodies, including menstruation, pregnancy, labour, childbirth, and ultimately, menopause. These changes can lead to issues such as hormonal imbalances, changes in the breast tissue, decreased sex drive, an increased risk of infections, a heightened risk of osteoporosis, changes in the urinary system, loss of pelvic muscle tone, and memory problems. 

    Women’s health is majorly impacted by hormonal changes as well. Imbalances in estrogen and progesterone are likely to affect women and may lead to infertility, acne, and irregular menstrual cycles. 

    Regular full body checkups that encompass all these parameters are vital for catching potential health issues early in women. This will help women make informed decisions for their overall well-being.

    What Tests Should a Woman Have? 

    The tests included in women's health checkup packages should take into consideration risk factors such as a personal or family history of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. For example, women with no risk of cancer should be examined for cervical cancer between the ages of 25 and 74 years and women who are not at risk for diabetes should get diabetes screening every 3 years after 35 years of age. Health screening at an earlier age and at more frequent intervals is recommended in the presence of such risk factors.  

    All women, especially those over 40, should get a basic annual checkup; however, the frequency of a comprehensive health checkup for women varies depending on risk factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, or hypertension. As women's overall health and wellness are also linked to their reproductive health, hormonal balance, and gynecological concerns, these are essential considerations that need to be addressed in a comprehensive health checkup. Based on all these considerations, healthcare practitioners can offer the best advice regarding the appropriate age and frequency of testing.

    Customizing Full Body Checkups for Women 

    Women's health can be improved in many ways by getting regular checkups. By using the services of Orange Health Labs, you can customise health checkups based on your current health needs, age, and other requirements as follows: 

    • The comprehensive women’s health package includes 13 tests and evaluates 97 parameters. It consists of a series of tests curated to monitor the overall health in women and includes hormonal tests, lipid and thyroid profiles, blood sugar, calcium, iron, and vitamins. Additional tests that aid in the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), ovarian cancer, and arthritis are also included in this package. 
    • The essential women’s health package includes 7 tests and evaluates 44 parameters. This package consists of a series of tests curated especially to support the tracking of women's general health and includes blood glucose, thyroid profile, and lipid profile tests. Additional tests that aid in the diagnosis of PCOS are also included in this package.
    • If you are a senior citizen, the senior citizen checkup female package would be ideal for you. The package includes 17 tests and evaluates 104 parameters. Tests for the full blood count, iron and lipid profiles, thyroid function, diabetes screening, kidney function, liver function with electrolytes (sodium and chloride), and vital minerals like calcium are all included in this package. In order to screen for potential complications, it also includes tests for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis. 

    Other tests essential for women's health screening include:

    • Mammogram: This is an essential test that screens for breast cancer at an early stage in women. 
    • Pap smear: This screening for cervical cancer can be done from the age of 21 years. 
    • Bone density test: Checks for bone health in women.  
    • Cholesterol screening 
    • Blood pressure screening 

    Women can proactively address their health issues at an earlier stage by scheduling regular screening tests. This enables early identification, intervention and effective management of all health conditions.

    Addressing Reproductive Health 

    A routine full body examination for women includes tests such as Pap smear, pelvic exam, and mammogram to assess their reproductive health. These tests are crucial for the early detection of conditions like cervical cancer and breast cancer.

    Fertility testing is an important component of health checks during reproductive age in women, as it empowers individuals with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about their reproductive well-being. For the early detection and prevention of numerous reproductive and gynecological disorders, routine check-ups are essential.

    The comprehensive women’s health package can be selected in women as it includes tests such as luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and LH:FSH ratio to assess fertility, menstrual health, and hormonal balance. Usually, in healthy women of reproductive age, the LH:FSH ratio is between 1 and 2. However, in PCOS, this ratio may be between 2 and 3, signifying hormonal imbalance. During these consultations, medical professionals can check your general health, check for any possible issues, and provide advice on leading a healthy lifestyle.

    Menopausal Health Considerations 

    Your ovaries produce relatively little estrogen after menopause. Following menopause, low levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen lead to an increased risk of health conditions, such as osteoporosis, stroke, heart disease, dry mouth, and urinary incontinence in women.

    Thus, tests that focus on bone health, cardiovascular health, and hormonal changes, such as bone density and blood tests, are important in women after menopause.  

    Mental Health and Well-Being 

    Certain mental health disorders like anxiety and depression are more prevalent in women. When hormone levels fluctuate, some women experience symptoms of depression. For example, some women experience symptoms of depression during or after pregnancy (perinatal depression), around the time of their period (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), and during menopause (perimenopause-related depression). 

    Your well-being is greatly influenced by your mental health. Mental well-being can help you stay healthy, while poor mental health might lead to physical ailments. For example, mental disorders, such as depression, may directly cause physical illness due to weakening and/or altering the immune response. 

    However, individuals with mental health illnesses can improve with the right mental health screening, diagnosis, and treatment.

    Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Monitoring 

    Pregnancy is a major milestone in the life of women. To promote a healthy pregnancy and safe birth, regular checkups during the initial pregnancy period provide guidance on nutrition, lifestyle, and antenatal (before childbirth) education.

    Antenatal care emphasizes the early detection and treatment of problems during pregnancy. It enables medical personnel to keep an eye on the mother's health and make sure that any possible issues are quickly detected. The antenatal package (comprehensive) at Orange Health Labs consists of 9 tests and 58 parameters for monitoring a pregnant woman’s overall health. Hormonal tests, iron test, lipid and thyroid profiles, calcium, vitamin, and blood glucose tests are all included in this package. Additional tests that aid in the diagnosis of PCOS, ovarian cancer, and arthritis are also included in this bundle.

    One can also opt for the antenatal package (Basic), which includes 7 tests and 57 parameters for expectant mothers in their first trimester. Tests for potentially fatal illnesses including syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis B are also included in the bundle.

    Postpartum lab tests are essential for many health concerns such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, and hypertension. For example, women who have gestational diabetes should be screened for type 2 diabetes after childbirth. Healthcare providers also advise follow-up visits postpartum to check for vaginal bleeding, exercise and nutrition, breastfeeding concerns, and concerns with contraception and postpartum depression.

    Book a full body checkup in your city: Full Body Checkup in Noida | Full Body Checkup in Bangalore | Full Body Checkup in Mumbai | Full Body Checkup in Hyderabad | Full Body Checkup in Gurgaon | Full Body Checkup in Faridabad | Full Body Checkup in Delhi

    Breast Health and Cancer Screening 

    The major objective of routine breast screening is the early detection of breast cancer. Early detection of any abnormality maximises your chances of a successful outcome. Abnormal changes in the breasts may include lumps, fluid discharge other than breastmilk, swelling, skin irritation or dimpling, and nipple pain, redness, or flaking.

    Early detection of breast cancer can be done by regular breast self-exams, breast exams at the doctor’s office, and mammograms. Women should have a breast exam by a healthcare professional every one to three years between 29 and 39 years and annual breast exams after 40 years. A mammogram, which is a low-dose X-ray scan of your breasts, can detect cancer or any other abnormalities before a lump is felt. Experts recommend getting a mammogram every 2 years for women aged between 50 and 74 years.

    The cancer screening package for women by Orange Health Labs checks for tumor indicators or cancer markers that are produced at higher concentrations in cancerous cells. This comprehensive screening can detect tumors in the colon, liver, pancreas, lungs, breast, and ovaries, among other organs. Tests measuring proteins such as CA 15.3, cancer antigen 19.9, and alpha fetoprotein are also included in this Orange Health Labs package.


    Women's health examinations are crucial for preserving good health, averting illnesses, and enhancing general well-being. Women can take proactive measures towards a healthier and happier life through early detection and prevention, reproductive health monitoring, individualised assistance, mental health assessment, and building trustworthy connections with healthcare providers. 

    By choosing Orange Health Labs as your partner for diagnostic testing, you can get the benefit of sample collection from the comfort of your own home. We offer NABL and ICMR-approved laboratory services that ensure exceptional accuracy and quality of diagnostic tests. 

    For more information about the importance of scheduling an annual health exam as a woman, visit the Orange Health App or website. Make sure to book your appointment today!


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